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Personality and your life
Most of the early content is in this area. It fascinates most people as they seek a reason to life, the universe and everything and about themselves. It could lead you out of your rut and towards a fulfilling and contented life. Are you brave enough to explore?
Current affairs
I get tired of repeating myself on FB and other platforms so here will be my stock answers that I can paste as required! Was Thatcher really bad for the country? Is the BBC left or right wing?, Are trade blocs good or bad? And what the hell are they anyway? Is climate change a myth? Did the EU ban bendy bananas and is it undemocratic?
Eclectic topics
The strange but fascinating or just plain useful, from protection against hacking, how to travel safely alone, using Window’s Snip and Sketch for catching notes off the screen. Why relationships and marriages generally last 7 years or multiples of. What really is profit? Perhaps some travel stories I might share.